At the end of 2021, at the beginning of Andolini's adventure, Andolini and Daddy were walking in the busy streets of downtown Lyon. While discussing their latest adventures, Andolini and Daddy spotted a young black man on the sidewalk across the street. This young man was wearing a cap and red sweatpants, and he looked pretty hot. He was staring at Andolini and Daddy at waist level. This encouraged Andolini to conjure up a large package to starve this enterprising stranger a little more. Andolini and Daddy, always ready for a challenge, would head in the direction of this handsome Black. After a few minutes of futile discussions, they got to know his name "Cake" but also that he could be a passive greedy and listening to beautiful male well hanged. Andolini and Daddy, a little skeptical, asked Cake if he was sure he could take the 2 big pieces at the same time. Cake then confessed his love for the big white dicks, which made Andolini and Daddy smile. They decided to take him with them to open the black hole in Cake on the banks of the Rhone. Cake was delighted with the offer and immediately accepted. The rest in pictures ... here