Mathieu de Lyon

Mathieu de Lyon

Mathieu de Lyon

Mathieu de Lyon's videos on AndoliniXXL
Mathieu de Lyon have played in 2 gay videos on and 37 videos on our other websites

This video is one of the first between Andolini and Canaillou. It all started in the busy streets of Lyon, Andolini and Canaillou used to meet regularly to run together when Canaillou was just out of college. They were all passionate about running, and spent hours training and perfecting their technique but also had the same vice ... This last common point was their little secret discovered on dating applications. One day, during their weekly training around the Parc de la tête d'Or, they detected Mathieu from Lyon nearby on their favorite dating application. Andolini proposed to Mathieu to share his little favorite after their training; which Mathieu could not refuse when he received their hot pic. The appointment was made at Mathieu's place. Mathieu took advantage of their training to turn his entire living room upside down in order to welcome his new playing partners properly. When Andolini and Canaillou arrived at his house, Mathieu was all nervous, but he was determined to give it his best shot. This video is a taste for Andolini and Canaillou at the time of all the others that they then made together ... This a souvenir video to discover here ...


Andolini was taking a leisurely walk along the banks of the Rhone River in Lyon, enjoying the beautiful sunny day. He felt free and happy, without any worries in his head. Suddenly, he saw a young man coming out of Lyon 1 University. He was very handsome, with black hair and hazel eyes. His name was Canaillou. Canaillou was immediately attracted to Andolini. He started to walk towards him, getting closer and closer. Andolini could feel his heart beating faster with each step Canaillou took. Finally, they came face to face. They exchanged a few words, and soon they realized that they had a lot in common. They decided to get out of sight to spend some time together. They found a small wood by the river, and they settled down to a warm and sensual osmosis. While they were enjoying themselves, they heard a noise that startled them. It was Mathieu who had just joined them. He told them that he had seen their meeting from the path above and that he had wanted to join them to spend some time together. The rest in pictures ... here

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